Google translate have sanskrit language

Does google translate have sanskrit language

Does google translate have sanskrit-why google translate does not have sanskrit language-sanskrit into enlish

NO,Google translater does not have sanskrit language because the speaker of Sanskrit language in the world is very low the total population of world is 8 billion out of which the number of people speaks Sanskrit is 24,821.The percentage of sanskrit speakers in the world is 0.0031026%.This shows that world most ancient language sanskrit have very less people who speaks sanskrit as it's mother language.

Does google translate have sanskrit-why google translate does not have sanskrit language-sanskrit into enlish

If we talk about india where is the sanskrit language main orign where sanskrit language was spoken as mother language yet it is also spoken in India.

According to the 2011 data, released recently, 24,821 people have registered Sanskrit as their mother tongue, in comparison to 14,135 people who had said Sanskrit was their mother language in 2001.

The population of Sanskrit language speaking people is 0.00198 %per cent of India's total population of 121 crore.

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Now,our main question is  why google translate does not have sanskrit language

Does google translate have sanskrit-why google translate does not have sanskrit language-sanskrit into hindi

Google translate does not have sanskrit language because the number of people who speaks sanskrit in world or India is very low as compared to other languages like Hindi, Bengali,etc.Sanskrit language is the toughest language. Due to which the 90% pecent of words have 3 to 5 meaning.Google doesn't want to spend money and it's server storages for few people who speaks sanskrit.That's why Google translate does not have sanskrit language

Now how can we translate sanskrit into hindi or how can we translate sanskrit in to english

The best website to translate sanskrit into hindi ,hindi into Sanskrit, sanskrit into english or english into english is Spoken sanskrit This is the best website to translate sanskrit into Hindi ,Hindi into sanskrit, Sanskrit into English or English into sanskrit

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